Lightspan Digital hosted a blog-hop and Twitter chat Jan. 8 to get insights on what social media is changing the runner’s world.
Storified by Mana Ionescu· Mon, Jan 14 2013 09:31:41
Tim Cigelske, The Beer Runner, (@thebeerrunner): A Not So Silent Sport
Myles Dannhausen, Door County Half Marathon, (@mylespulse): How Social Media Helps Us Improve the Door County Half Marathon
Tom Held, The Active Pursuit (@tomheld): An Antenna, Not a Mic – Reporting With Social Media
Maggie Wolff (@not_margaret): How Social Media Changed My Running
Ashley Kumlien, MS Run the U.S. (@MSRuntheUS): Raising Funds, Awareness With Social Media
Lauren Matricardi, Fleet Feet Chicago (@fleetfeetchgo): The Conversation: Our Social Media Strategy
Bob Richards, Chicago Run-Times: Social Media and the Silent Sports
Lightspan Digital: How Social Media Changed Running
4. Runners aren’t models, as longtime Silent Sports chronicler Tom Held noted. We all know this when we look around the starting coral, but social media shows us that runners come in all shapes and sizes.
5. Facebook is making information on races easier to get than ever before, as Door County Half Marathon course director Myles Dannhausen wrote. That’s vital for experienced runners, but even more-so for newbies.
6. Skilled social media evangelists can use it to fill a marketing budget gap. Ashley Kumlien of MS Run the U.S. blogged about the dramatic impact social media made in launching her charity (“only way I convinced 20 runners to run 140 miles per week and raise $10,000!”), and soon found she is not alone in harnessing Twitter and Facebook’s power to spread a message.
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