
Intentional Influencer Marketing

A B2C guide + the essential tools to avoid traps and build unique, intentional, and analytics-driven influencer marketing programs.

Be seen as the best you can be, in authentic ways.

It takes true collaboration and relationship building with genuine influencers. It takes structure, planning, and intentionality. And a set of templates, tools, checklists and cheat sheets to oil the wheels for a smooth ride. And let’s not forget a dose of fun.

Intentional Influencer Marketing

A B2C guide + the essential tools to avoid traps and build unique, intentional, and analytics-driven influencer marketing programs.

Be seen as the best you can be, in authentic ways.

It takes true collaboration and relationship building with genuine influencers. It takes structure, planning, and intentionality. And a set of templates, tools, checklists and cheat sheets to oil the wheels for a smooth ride. And let’s not forget a dose of fun.

Despite many stories of impressive success, businesses tend to be skeptical of the impact of influencer marketing. Plus, resources are limited. Marketing is time-consuming or expensive or both. It’s not that easy to hit the numbers you see in articles and reports. And will my brand’s mission, vision, values shine through? Will we reach the right audiences? Will those audiences stay with us long term?

If you have those concerns, it’s time to move beyond “working with influencers” and into building actual influencer marketing programs. Step by step, we’ll show you how. 

If you are searching for:

  • Influencer marketing best practices
  • A methodology and replicable process
  • An intentional approach
    Tried and tested templates
  • A time-proof change-proof method that could apply even to a new TikTok
  • Reassurance that your time and money are well spent

This guide and toolkit were made for you.

This book will give you the answers and more.

The intentional approach we propose is based on a few principles:

  • Focus
  • Planning
  • Selectiveness
  • Honesty
  • Collaboration
  • Authenticity

You will see these reflected throughout the different chapters of this toolkit.

So let’s take a peek inside:


CHAPTER 1: How to Plan your Influencer Marketing Campaign

CHAPTER 2: How to Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand + Checklist 

CHAPTER 2.1: Influencer Outreach Email Template

CHAPTER 2.2: Negotiating Terms

CHAPTER 2.3: Influencer Contract Template

CHAPTER 2.4: Influencer Tracker Sheet 

CHAPTER 3: Reference Sheet Template 

CHAPTER 4: Communication and Analysis Guide



Mana Ionescu

Mana is the President of Lightspan Digital, the author of the Daily Social Media Workouts methodology and a well-known and sought-after speaker. She was an early Twitter influencer and collaborated with many brands including GM and Nokia. But her passion is helping brands improve results by taking an intentional and non-nonsense approach to digital marketing. At Lightspan Mana and her team developed and managed creative, authentic and impactful influencer and ambassador programs for dozens of brands. 

You can reach Mana on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram as @manamica

Mana Ionescu

Mana is the President of Lightspan Digital, the author of the Daily Social Media Workouts methodology and a well-known and sought-after speaker. She was an early Twitter influencer and collaborated with many brands including GM and Nokia. But her passion is helping brands improve results by taking an intentional and non-nonsense approach to digital marketing. At Lightspan Mana and her team developed and managed creative, authentic and impactful influencer and ambassador programs for dozens of brands. 

You can reach Mana on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram as @manamica

I’m very excited to bring our knowledge into this toolkit and help brands avoid some of the mistakes we’ve made and problems we see brands run into all the time. If you want to be able to measure results, if you want to get the proper consideration by influencers and not waste your time and money, then you need to commit to creating programs not just seeking influencers. We are here to help you do just that. 



Allie Barke

Allie’s experience as both an influencer and a marketer has given her unique insights which were incorporated in this toolkit. Allie started a fashion and lifestyle blog 8+ years ago and was very involved in the Chicago influencer community.  She has collaborated with dozens of brands and has seen it all. 

Allie has been a tremendous resource for this toolkit, particularly on how to find influencers and is the author of Chapter 2.2.

Find Allie on Instagram @alliesfashionalley

I get 10-20 emails per day from brands offering free products or wanting to work together – and I delete most of them before even opening! As an influencer, I know what it takes for a brand to grab my attention and what’s needed for a successful partnership that brings value to both parties.


Word from our clients

Today’s businesses are often skeptical of direct product promotion making influencer marketing an effective strategy. We were able to prove its value with Lightspan’s practical and people-focused approach. They were able to craft and execute an influencer marketing program that was engaging and an effective way to increase product awareness with our target audience and build a valuable library of user-generated content.

Lisa Dempsey, Marketing Director


Influencer Power Plus:

Get the eBook PLUS

  • All the templates and checklists in PDF format
  • All the templates and checklists in editable Word format
  • 2 hours of consulting with one of our influencer marketing experts for hands-on help
  • Free future updates to your toolkit

You will work with the people who use these tools day in and out and know the ins and outs of working with influencers.

Influencer Power:

Get the eBook PLUS

  • All the templates and checklists in PDF format.
  • Free future updates to your toolkit


Q: Why isn’t this book free?

A: If we had planned on giving this away for free, it would have been 5 pages long, vague, and probably way too focused on Instagram. Or TikTok. Or you get it, it would have been light and narrow. To tell you the truth, we started there. And in my never-ending drive to teach, the book just got longer and longer. As we walked through our processes we realized there were steps in the process that came so naturally to us that we overlooked them while writing this. This book has been a labor of love and expertise. It’s not theoretical. It is based on the work we’ve done. It’s also based on tried and tested processes. Allie’s expertise as an influencer also makes this book unique. I still finished the free resources. You can get it here.

Q: What is intentional marketing?

A: The difference between goals and intentions is that goals show us where we want to go, intentions also include how we want to go about getting there. Without intention, we risk forgetting to include our values, mission and vision in the mix. Intentional marketing is also very people-centric. And for many, it’s planet-centric. For intentional marketers, values drive decisions. And when it comes to influencer marketing, intentionality implies that you may want to look into the character of the influencer you’ll work with, and/or you may want to discuss the inclusion of certain values in your collaboration. Intentional marketing also tends to be thoughtful and methodical.

Q: How do I get started with the toolkit?

A: Each chapter will be its own document. So you can work through them one at a time.

  1. Please do not skip chapter 1 – at a minimum, go through the exercise of identifying the right channels for your goals
  2. Review the table of contents and determine how much time each may take you. Plan out how you’ll go through it
  3. Set milestones in your project management tool, or planner or calendar to finish the homework in each chapter by a certain date. Accountability is key!
  4. Be curious. You will not be given an exam. So allow yourself to adjust this to your own needs, to research and add in your own resources.
  5. Record your questions. We will have periodic group sessions to answer questions, so stay tuned. Or, book a 1 on 1 session here.